Intake paperwork is to be completed electronically and emailed to prior to the first appointment.
Intake Paperwork for Court Ordered Reintegration/Reunification Therapy
All parties to the case need to complete the following paperwork, separately, prior to their first appointment:
Please access the paperwork embedded in these links:
Court Ordered Therapy Packet (click to download).
Jennifer Ritter Intake Questionnaire.docx (1)
Intake Paperwork for Reintegration/Reunification Therapy (Not Court Ordered).
Both parents need to complete the following paperwork, separately, prior to their first appointment:
Please access the paperwork embedded in this link:
Court Involved Therapy Packet (click to download).
Intake Paperwork for Family or Couples’ Counseling
Paperwork for Family Counseling (click to download)
Paperwork for Couples’ Counseling
All adult family members seeking family counseling need to complete the following paperwork prior to their first appointment:
Intake Paperwork for Individual Counseling
Adults seeking individual counseling need to complete the following paperwork prior to their first appointment:
Paperwork for Individual Counseling (click to download)
NOTE: Minors seeking individual therapy are to complete the paperwork in conjunction with their parent or legal guardian prior to their first appointment.
Misc. Forms:
1) Authorization for the Release of Confidential Information: Click here to download.
2) Credit Card Authorization Form Click here to download. Click here to download.